Wow, 26 days to go....and here I sit icing my foot. Now, I truly understand why my first goal is to simply make it to the marathon starting line healthy. I am not deterred, my run fitness is very good, the best it has ever been. I am still swimming and cycling thankfully, and am hopeful that with a couple more days of rest, I will be as good as new. I will run the marathon, hurt or not. I am stubborn, yes, and stupid. I will run, pain or not, because I have worked so hard for this goal for the last 15 weeks. "Pain is weakness leaving the body!"....ok, probably not but I will attempt to turn every negative into a positive. My glass is always overflowing.
At Church tonight, I learned that God is faithful. God gives no bad gifts. The passing of Zach at 32 years old from cancer did not deter him. He said that cancer was a gift. Taught him to be a better husband and father. I am thankful that I have come this far in my training, it is a daily gift. The pain in my foot serves as a reminder that sometimes we need to slow down, smell the roses, to thank God for each day, each step, each breath. So, God, I thank you for today and the pain in my foot.
God gives no bad gifts.

2/7 So, this is the "BIG WEEK". Last hard week of training before I begin to taper. Ahh...sweet music to the ears....taper...:) That means 2 things, quality training and less volume and that the marathon is fast approaching. I was not able to do any type of running today because my foot is still injured. Thankfully, however, I was able to swim. My plan this week is to really hit the training hard, whether running or not and begin the taper as scheduled next week. This is the "peaking" week. It is mind over matter. Maintain the aerobic base which I have built and stay optimistic.
Swim distance: 40 laps in pool

2/8 So, continuing with the plan to keep moving, I swam 40 laps in the morning and did a 2 hour bike ride in the afternoon. But, by far the most insightful thing I did today was go to an open house service provided by Go Tri Sports. Once a month, Steadman Hawkin's docs and Pro Axis PT's see runners who are having problems. I was lucky enough to find out about this and get a time slot. There I met Brad Eggebraaten, PT and saw one of the doctors. Hmmm.....opinion, need an x-ray and possible taping would help. I'm collapsing considerably to the inside when i run or walk for that matter. Taping would provide structurally support. The Go Tri staff also tinkered with my shoes. Even just running 20ft up and down the sidewalk was painful. One time they had to prod me to run a little further. Go figure, i'm the person who usually doesn't want to stop. Brad suggested I come to his Patewood office and he would teach me how to tape my foot the next day.
2/9 Pro Axis Therapy is a huge place with 17 therapists, all PT's! WOW, I felt like I was in an airport terminal being shuttled around with the many elevators, 2 receptionists and large examining table set-up. Brad taught me how to tape my foot for structural support and had me walk around and jog. After taping, he still thought I was pronating, or collapsing inward a good bit and fashioned some tear-drop, quarter sized wedge piece to put in my shoes. Most importantly, we talked about risk vs. reward. I know I cannot run right now because my foot hurts to walk and I would be digging a hole. The risk is, run now and not get to start line but have fitness. Or, cross train now, and be at the start line later, and be hopeful to have maintained running fitness. I am going with the latter. In addition, the swimming will keep my HR up more consistently then the biking with the coasting and stopping at times when riding. So, my main focus will be pool based. I am working daily on staying positive and counting my many blessings. I am thankful for so many friends who have offered to help.
2/10 SWIM TIME! 10 x 100 yard sprints completed with two friends. 1:30avg pace. Awesome workout! And, my friend Todd brought an underwater camera so we got to play and take pics and record our swimming. Got to love gadgets you can take under water. Look for some silly pics soon!
DISTANCE: 42 laps

2/11 BIKE TIME! So, to keep the momentum going I did 2 hours of high cadence spinning. No slogging around in a big gear, just high RPM's to keep from having too much pressure exerted on the top of my foot with each down stroke. Great tempo work and a little bit of sunshine made this a great workout.

2/12 SWIM TIME! I was suppose to run 20 miles today, but am still rehabbing my left foot, so back to the pool I went. I was informed that 4 miles of running is equal to 1 mile of swimming. So, hypothetically, I was suppose to swim 5 miles! WHAT!!!!? I'm an average swimmer, so 5 miles is A LOT!! So, I broke down the long swim into 10 X 10 laps free alternating with 10 board kicks. Not only did I complete 100 laps, but 2 bonus free style laps to equal 3 miles and some very pruned fingers and toes :). I'm thankful my good friend Todd was there to entertain with his salmon like board kicks, looks as if he is having a seizure :). I followed the swim with 10min. of pool running. I felt like a dork, it was awkwardly awesome! My legs felt the fatigue as the swim continuued, especially the board kicks which really work those hip flexors. Great swim.
DISTANCE: 3 miles
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