Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Friend's First Half Marathon

I took great pleasure in having the honor of running with my friend as she completed her first half-marathon in downtown Greenville this Saturday. Completely by chance, Caitlin and I reconnected after she saw my facebook post that I was running "10 miles" as my status update on facebook. Caitlin and I were rowing teammates at Clemson 4 years ago. We spent a great deal of time together suffering thru morning erg workouts before daylight and then splintering thru an additional afternoon row on Lake Hartwell. Even though we had not talked in some time, conversation came with ease as friends do, picking up right where they have left off. Sure, I would join her in her first half marathon since her training partners had bailed for one reason or another.

Her goal: "Weinacker, I'm going on a really long run today".....this is her mentality. PERFECT. Her pace: "Consistent".

Well, it just so happens that we were running in the Sphinx Half Marathon, and that 1,500 of her "friends" would be joining us on a rolling course all along downtown Greenville ending at homeplate in the Greenville Drive Baseball Stadium. I'm not going to lie, I did not register, I was a "ghost runner", carrying my own energy gels and water. Kind of fitting to be a ghost for the day since it was after all, Halloween.

Race Start: 8:40a.m. We started almost at the very front for kicks. Todd Bice, tapering for IM Florida would be joining us for 10miles of the course. Before we knew it, we were off, shedding miles very quickly. Caitlin eventually settled into a good, consistent pace, HER pace, based on perceived exertion, no fancy smancy Garmin watch or HR monitor, just an inate sense of smarts built in. In typical Todd fashion, he had both Caitlin and I laughing. He took shortcuts to the amazement of other runners who did not realize he was just jogging along, not registered. He even took a mile shortcut as Caitlin and I made a loop. And, to top it off, as Caitlin and I rounded the halfway point, there was Todd off the course holding up a sign and yelling at us; "YOU ARE AWESOME!!", the sign said. He had joined a group of spectators cheering for a friend.

In all seriousness, it was a great "long run". Caitlin stuck to the game plan, did not break out of the gate steaming mad, but paced herself throughout the undulating course. Rowing seemed to be the topic of the day. Another former Clemson rower, who we did not know, recognized Caitlin's shirt that said rowing and cheered for her. All along the course, friends of a former rower held up large poster signs, and to top it off, my former freshmen teammate, Lindsay "Z" Decken, an accomplished runner herself, was spotted with a mile to go cheering on the runners. I think everyone in the Upstate knows someone who rows or was a rower at some point! Kind of like when you get a new car and you suddenly notice everyone driving that car :)
What a great day in G-vegas with the fall weather and SPOOKtacular race!
Distance: 13.1
Avg. pace: 10:11
Avg. HR: Zone 1, 136bpm

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


With D out sick today, Ginger and I braved the Clemson campus for a quick run, mostly uphill it seemed. And, for dramatic effect, it truly was mostly uphill with a headwind.....and we will pretend it was snowing and we had to run barefooted and blindfolded....ok, that part is a lie.

You may be asking, who is Ginger? Well, meet Ginger, aka Benn Gleason from good ole' hot Arizona, a grad student at Clemson. If you need to know something about fiber optics or how to treat a bunson burner burn, just ask him, he is your man! Red hair and beard make Ginger hard to miss.

It's official Benn is our newest committed member, albeit, on the 1/2 marathon level. But, we will take him and his fun, flexible, low-key personality. He will fit right in and we are glad to have him join the team. Application approved!

I would have had a picture of Benn to share, and our new matching shoes (we have the same ones!), but I think I left my camera on the bumper of the car today after on that ;(.

*******UPDATE******* Athletic department finds my missing camera 2 days later and notices pics of me on it! Bends pieces back together with a screwdriver, hides it in a dumpster near track, and WALAH! I've got my camera back :)

No reason to cry over spilled milk, turn lemons into lemonade!

Thanks for a great run today Ginger!

Distance: 4 miles
Avg. pace: 8:39
HR: 155

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shout out to YO MOMMA!

As I prepare for a marathon, I realize how much family support plays a crucial role in my training. My mom and I decided to walk today, simply walk, and enjoy each other's company. She has been recouping from a knee injury so I was excited that she was ready to get back out there. We are slated to run the first annual Clemson Downs Forget Me Not 5k together in December.

My mom easily accomplished 2.5 miles of walking with some short pushes of running at the end. No knee problems reported. My mom and I both learned the hard way that with running, a steady progression is key, don't jump into the deep end off the high dive, instead, wade into the kiddie pool and use the ladder to get out.

I see a future 5k runner in our midst! Thanks mom for your support as I train for my first marathon! Who else makes daily steel cut oatmeal with blueberries and flax seed, coupled with boiled eggs, and smokin' hot coffee, all stirred and combined with heaping tablespoons of endless love? MOM.


Ok, maybe I learned a lesson on Sunday evening.....don't run with a full belly of savory pecan pie inside ya. :) Todd and Tonya's baby shower featured an array of wine, cheeses, and homemade desserts. D and I decided we would do a short run after the party, including a few first time sprints. I was excited about doing a couple of sprints....but, eke, i ate too much of that darn pie. Mile warm-up out of downtown Clemson to Bowman field. 4 sprints completed, YES! I haven't been able to run like that in months and months, if not a year. If I wanted, I could have joined in a game of ultimate with the college kids. I would have been just happen running up and down the field with them, not caring if they passed the frisbee to me or not. Maybe I would have preferred if they hadn't passed it to me so I could just enjoy my running. I would have been ABLE to do it (RUN!)!, not having to worry whether i could sprint on an achilles or not. Just to have the choice is a blessing. Sure, a pecan pie can make your sugar high, but I'm not going to lie, I was flying on an extreme blessed endorphine high.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Big day today, 10 miler. Easy pace, just get the miles in. Todd, D, and I met up at the Clemson Track. D and I would run the planned 10 miles, then Todd would push onward and upward to the 20 mile level in preparation for IM Florida.

I felt good, clean and crisp. I haven't run 1:40 min. in a very long time, not since I completed my first and only 1/2 marathon a year ago in Myrtle Beach. I'm not going to lie, at an hour or so in, I did get tired. My endurance is not quite there yet, which is ok. Officially marathon training does not start until Nov. 1st. Everything completed now is icing on the cake, bonus. I gave myself a quick pep talk, downed some delish GU gel and forged on.

Best part of the run? Planet Smoothie, courtesy of Danette. A frozen goat never tasted so good. Coffee beans, chocolate, banana base = yummy in my tummy.

Looking forward to setting up an official training schedule soon, working in conjunction with the book Run Less, Run Faster based on the Furman FIRST training program.

I am ever so blessed!

Distance: 10 miles

Avg. Pace: 9:54

Avg. HR 153

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dancing in the Mist

Short report today. First run back from the Foothills Trail. 30 minute run around Clemson with Benn and Danette. Somehow the scattered showers missed us! Looking forward to Friday 10 mile run as training picks back up again. It felt great not toting 25lbs on my back, WAHOOOO!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I walked in the dark for 7 days and 6 nights along the 77 mile Foothills Trail, extending from Table Rock to Oconee State Park with my teammate and friend, Emily. If you have never read the book, "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson, I highly reccomend it. It captures the ups and downs of the author as he hikes the Appalachian Trail. What I did this past week was a complete walk in the dark. I have never really camped except once along the Natchez Trace Parkway in mid July a few years ago in 100+ degree weather with fellow cyclists as we biked the Trace Parkway. After one night of "camping" out after riding 100 miles we decided that the rest of our bike tour would include more comfortable night housing, also referred to as the Holiday Inn Express.

In typical Weinacker fashion, I stubbornly jumped in full throttle and signed up for a week in the woods.

What Emily and I did is considered to be ultralight backpacking/camping. We had very modest means. Our hiking poles served as our tent stabilizers. You learn to be very resoureful in the woods and everything seems to have a double purpose. The first day was our strenuous day as we were dropped off at Table Rock for our little adventure. We hiked and hiked, approx. 13.5 miles along very hilly terrain with packs weighing approx. 25lbs. The supposed water source and "campsite" were not exactly positioned as we had thought. And, to top it off, a thunderstorm was lurking in the area. Night approached quickly and fearless Emily ran around at dusk throwing up the tent, pumping water, and positioning the bear bag. I felt so inept because I didn't know how to do ANYTHING! That night I had vicious nightmares as I lay like a mummy in the dark. Positioned between us was the hatchet that Emily would use and the small bear spray I would use if we were attacked. Emily's dog was on high alert all night barking and growling at noises and movements deep into the woods. I held tight to my bear spray like a child would hold its pacifier. Luckily, dawn broke and we were still alive. :)

The typical day would consist of waking up with the daylight and breaking down camp. Before this could occur, we had to have our coffee. Emily had brought a small stove and we would boil water for instant coffee and hot oatmeal. The temperatures were far colder than I had anticipated so the hot steaming coffee was a highlight each and every morning. I enjoyed blowing into my coffee cup so the steam would hit me in the face. I didn't want to let go of the metal cup as it warmed my hands for the start of the day. After our morning ritual we would walk, mile on mile, step beyond step, absorbing the vast beauty of the day's hike. We passed gorges and thru thickets, over streams, around Lake Jocasee, soaking up the sunlight as we walked, talking some, but enjoying the quiet as well. There was no need to talk most times, most communication was unspoken. For almost two solid days we didn't see another hiker on the trail. The woods were ours for establishment. Along the way we had friends join for day hikes or evening meals, this was great fun and we looked forward to PEOPLE! (and food, i'm not going to lie).

The life of a hiker is tough. You walk all day, doing the work of the day. You get to camp and you know what the reward is? You get to work more, pumping water, setting up camp, building fire, finding a place for the bear bag, and you do all of this rather quickly before the night captures you. At the end of the week I became slightly more useful and could help with the duties of camp life and eventually my walk in the dark becamse somewhat more light.

I am extremely thankful to have had a tour guide and leader in Emily. I trusted both her and her vicious attack dog, Jinx (about as vicious as a kitten in a child's arms, but I pretended so I
felt safer, haha). I learned so much about camping/hiking as I journeyed in the woods. It also served as a reminder of how blessed we are with all the little comforts in life. Running out of TP on day 3 was not cool :).

Emily and I completed 3 marathons this week as we hiked the Foothills Trail. I got to hold my first snake! She was stung by 4 yellow jackets. I got a blister on my pinky toe. She is going to lose her big toe nail. I got to hear trees talk!! This is what I call an awesome stay-cation. Enjoy the beauty of your backyard. Go take a hike!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


It was all boot camp style today at the Clemson track. We were raided by 40 or so military men out for a 2 mile test run. Of course, Todd, D and I yielded and ran on the outside part of the track to allow the army cadets full use of the inner lanes. There were no time for smiles or prancing. We were running with the military and by all accounts, we had to stay in line. If we were to fall back or take a misstep who knows what the ramifications would be. The sergeant dictated our pace. Easy first 4 mile warm-up, then 2 miles tempo, then 1/2 cool down. Todd rocked out the black tights and yellow shoes which reminds me of Klinger from the old show MASH. He may eventually get us kicked out of the army. D and I were a little more serious proudly wearing our marathon training belts as badges of honor. Round and round we went, backwards to throw off the troops who were running the "normal" direction on the track. We eventually wore out the troops with our steadfast endurance and pressed on to become victorious. We did it, conquered our first hour run and defended our territory by unifying our strengths and keeping step, stride by stride, and more importantly, side by side. LEFT, LEFT, LEFT RIGHT LEFT!! Bring on the Marines!! We're ready to sink them!

Distance: 6.5 miles
Avg. Pace: 9:14

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Good morning run with D and Benn around Clemson campus. Goal, 50min. of running, no tempo, just easy running. Hilly around outskirts of C-town., then fast and flat around track. Funniest part of the run was the ironic scene around the Clemson ticket office. Students bundled up in tents and cots awaiting for the ticket booth to open so they could get tickets to the weekend football game. The scene......old tents, blankets, cots......something you would see in the woods on a long overnight trail hike, minus the blackberries, laptops and cell phones so obviously displayed around the area. Tents and laptops mixing it up in small city America. I'm sure the kids were most likely studying about late theologians in their study books and calling home to mom and dad on their cell phones, and certainly not texting drivers in Clemson, lol. jk.

What did we learn today? Rest is crucial. After a subpar performance week for D last week due to various stresses, she came out strong today and felt amazing. The key, take time off when you need it so you can hit it hard on your next workout. Don't dig a deeper hole by pushing your body repeatedly into the ground. Danette proudly finished the run, chest up, feeling awesome and pushing the pace. THANKS!

Distance: 5.47
Avg. Pace: 9:08

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Running in Circles

I never realized how much fun it is to run in circles. I joined Mr. Ironman himself, Todd Bice for a training run today at the Clemson track. Todd is a pro at running in circles. Today, he had to run for 16 miles in preparation for upcoming IronMan Florida. Dare I do the math, but that makes 64 feverishly fun laps on a track in circles. Some say that doing something over and over again is the definition of insanity. I say, it is otherwise known as discipline and passion fueled together to create an epic adventure at the local track. Ok, maybe it is just a little bit crazy, but why not?

Winds were calm, weather cool. I joined Todd about mile 3 to give him some company for a few miles. Our shadows danced to our right as we went round and round. After going in circles so many times I find that the track is not completely flat. It looks like it is a false flat at times. I should contact the track director and let them know. Alright, maybe i was delusional or just dizzy from going round and round. I bailed at mile 6 to be smart with my healing achilles. Just thankful to be there and running with my friend Todd.

Distance: 6.04 miles
Avg. pace: 9:21