12/27 GOAL: TEMPO, 1 mile easy, 6 miles @ 8:05, 1 mile easy. Frigid weather temps and running in circles for 32 laps is only possible when you run with friends. Temps were in the low 30's, but with the wind gusts, it felt like low 20's....according to the Super Doppler which is always accurate :O. Looking forward to running a half marathon in circles on Wed. at the track! Foot holding up!

Avg. TEMPO PACE: 7:42
12/29 GOAL: 13 @ 8:38 pace. I was fortunate to have my mom and Danette join me on a run this morning.....but the best part, was when my friend John showed up in his nice work attire and ran a lap with me. John has been sidelined with some medical problems and today was the day where the doctor gave him two big toes up to get moving again. I was lucky enough to be running with my mom's i-phone and able to capture him in sweet motion. I truly have the best friends in the world that are prodding me, encouraging me, and carrying me all the way to Albany and beyond. I am certain this is not the last you will see of John. Maybe he will join me in Albany?
DISTANCE: 13 miles
Avg. Pace: 8:23 (which is my marathon pace for Albany...completely run by accident when the lap paces avgeraged out)
Avg. HR 152
1/1/11 HAPPY NEW YEAR! The goal for today was to run 12 Quarter lap sprints at the track @ a 1:39 pace. I had two friends at my side, D and Todd. I had been looking forward to this workout for 10 weeks. SERIOUSLY!! I even was able to wear my lighter track shoes and test them out and had no problems with my foot. I was running on clouds and flying after wearing my heavy clunker training shoes for so long. I will slowly try to incorporate the use of these shoes more into the training program for tempo and track workouts. These will be my marathon shoes.....they are bright green and crazy! Perfect :). What a great way to start the new year. Friends, feeling good, and of course, running in circles!!
DISTANCE: 6 miles
Avg. Quarter Pace: 131.6 (min.)