Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Good morning run with D and Benn around Clemson campus. Goal, 50min. of running, no tempo, just easy running. Hilly around outskirts of C-town., then fast and flat around track. Funniest part of the run was the ironic scene around the Clemson ticket office. Students bundled up in tents and cots awaiting for the ticket booth to open so they could get tickets to the weekend football game. The scene......old tents, blankets, cots......something you would see in the woods on a long overnight trail hike, minus the blackberries, laptops and cell phones so obviously displayed around the area. Tents and laptops mixing it up in small city America. I'm sure the kids were most likely studying about late theologians in their study books and calling home to mom and dad on their cell phones, and certainly not texting drivers in Clemson, lol. jk.

What did we learn today? Rest is crucial. After a subpar performance week for D last week due to various stresses, she came out strong today and felt amazing. The key, take time off when you need it so you can hit it hard on your next workout. Don't dig a deeper hole by pushing your body repeatedly into the ground. Danette proudly finished the run, chest up, feeling awesome and pushing the pace. THANKS!

Distance: 5.47
Avg. Pace: 9:08

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