Wednesday, October 27, 2010


With D out sick today, Ginger and I braved the Clemson campus for a quick run, mostly uphill it seemed. And, for dramatic effect, it truly was mostly uphill with a headwind.....and we will pretend it was snowing and we had to run barefooted and blindfolded....ok, that part is a lie.

You may be asking, who is Ginger? Well, meet Ginger, aka Benn Gleason from good ole' hot Arizona, a grad student at Clemson. If you need to know something about fiber optics or how to treat a bunson burner burn, just ask him, he is your man! Red hair and beard make Ginger hard to miss.

It's official Benn is our newest committed member, albeit, on the 1/2 marathon level. But, we will take him and his fun, flexible, low-key personality. He will fit right in and we are glad to have him join the team. Application approved!

I would have had a picture of Benn to share, and our new matching shoes (we have the same ones!), but I think I left my camera on the bumper of the car today after on that ;(.

*******UPDATE******* Athletic department finds my missing camera 2 days later and notices pics of me on it! Bends pieces back together with a screwdriver, hides it in a dumpster near track, and WALAH! I've got my camera back :)

No reason to cry over spilled milk, turn lemons into lemonade!

Thanks for a great run today Ginger!

Distance: 4 miles
Avg. pace: 8:39
HR: 155

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