Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shout out to YO MOMMA!

As I prepare for a marathon, I realize how much family support plays a crucial role in my training. My mom and I decided to walk today, simply walk, and enjoy each other's company. She has been recouping from a knee injury so I was excited that she was ready to get back out there. We are slated to run the first annual Clemson Downs Forget Me Not 5k together in December.

My mom easily accomplished 2.5 miles of walking with some short pushes of running at the end. No knee problems reported. My mom and I both learned the hard way that with running, a steady progression is key, don't jump into the deep end off the high dive, instead, wade into the kiddie pool and use the ladder to get out.

I see a future 5k runner in our midst! Thanks mom for your support as I train for my first marathon! Who else makes daily steel cut oatmeal with blueberries and flax seed, coupled with boiled eggs, and smokin' hot coffee, all stirred and combined with heaping tablespoons of endless love? MOM.

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