1/25 TEMPO DAY. Goal: 1 easy, 5 @ 7:50 pace. Danette, Mom, and I were so blessed to get to the track early for our workout. A cold rain was forecasted for that morning. I was eager to run outside and get this in before the rain washed away our fun. We succeeded and only a few drops fell delicately on us as we ended our final few laps. I felt really great today. After running an all out race, a 7:50 pace seems relatively easy. It is still obviously 'tempo' because my HR was up, but a very doable workout. My sniffles are almost completely gone and I'm looking forward to getting rid of my rudolph nose!
DISTANCE: 6 miles
Avg. Pace: 7:42
Avg. HR: 166bpm
1/27 SPRINT! I'm not going to lie, this is one of my favorite workouts, running 1 lap repeats. I feel like an Olympian as I speed around the track, my left foot almost striking the silver inside rail as I run a tight circle. It is pure speed today. I lead with Danette stepping quickly on my heels as we complete 10 quarters. I'm a mad woman, running on perceived exertion, enjoying every step. I attempt to pace wisely but am not a slave to my watch. I find myself becoming sad as the quarters come to an end. Such a quick little workout that mentally boosts my confidence. I am immortal, solid as a rock. I am woman, hear me roar :)
Avg. 400M pace: 131.4
Avg. HR: High
1/29 LONG RUN! Yes, this was suppose to be 20 miles. But, after speaking with a few people about my training plan and the three 20 milers listed and knowing the amount of recovery my body physically needs after a long run, I made an executive decision to run 18 miles. I will keep the 3 week out 20 miler because this is my heaviest week and will be a peaking week before I begin my taper.
So, the run. It was 3 X 6 +15 -4 X 2 + 14 LAPS in a circle around the Clemson Track. Does this radical math equation make the run more interesting somehow? I think not. But, the run was very good none-the-less because of the immense amount of support I received from friends and family. My dear friend Emily came with her dog and boyfriend, Scott :). He ran the first 8 miles with me. My training partner Danette completed a solid 15 miles, and Todd paced me on the last 6 miles which was a blessing. AND, Q, my mom, the neighbor, Todd's wife and baby Will, were all present. PRESENCE IS HUGE! And, each individual supported me to the fullest, even 10wk old baby Will who brings new life and fresh lungs to the track because he is indeed, God's Will.
I felt great on the 18miler, much more even and steady paced then the previous 18 miler 2 weeks ago. I used my new IPOD shuffle blasting some tunes and getting into "the zone", drowning out the world. Even the little ear buds that would not stay squished in my ears only provided a little frustration. I was even able to go to work after for 2nd shift, something I would not have been physically and mentally able to do after the last long run.
I am thankful and blessed beyond measure. Thankful for great friends and family. Running is truly chicken soup for the soul.
DISTANCE: 18 miles
AVG. PACE: 8:36
AVG HR: 149
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