So here I type with my feet propped up offering prospective for week 3. I had a very busy week 2 with a total of almost 12 hours of training compared to a more moderate week 2 at 5 hours of total training. I had a lot of time in the saddle with with 55 fast miles on Saturday and riding for Mark Knight's out of Greenville today. What a blessing to ride for a super guy as a he battles cancer. I'm balancing trying to stay in bike shape and train for a marathon, and he is juggling with life and death. Puts everything into a little bit more perspective. So, yes, i'm tired, long week of training, but i have absolutely NOTHING to complain about. I'm giving myself a pep up talk for a hard day of sprints tomorrow knowing that on Tuesday, by golly, it is going to be a much needed rest day.
Sprint Day: 11/15 Clemson track is still being revamped, so Benn, D, and I completed sprints on the road. I am very much looking forward to having OUR track completed, it will be much easier to pace on sprint day. I was having to work backwards and hit lap buttons and trying to do complex math in my head during the sprinting portion today. O.k., it was not that complex, but when your HR is 175bpm, simple math can throw you for a loop. We completed a sprint ladder. 1200m @ 5:10, 1000m @ 4:16, 800m @ 3:23, 600m @ 2:30, and finally, 400m @ 1:39. When we got to the bottom rung, the ladder broke and we were done :). In reviewing my laps on training peaks, we were right on or below pace. AWESOME. Sprint day is always a hard day, but with the promise of a rest day tomorrow the workout was much more palatable. I am working weekly on changing my mindset that SPRINT DAY = FUN DAY. This may take a few more weeks :)

Tempo Day: 11/17 Todd, D, and I hit the pavement for a great tempo run down Hwy. 93 in Central. The goal, 1 mile easy, 5 miles @ 8:05, 1 mile easy. I'm still working on feeling the paces instead of having to be a slave to my Garmin pacer feature. Tempo was.......tempo today. Not too hard, not too easy, just right according to the 3 bears. Bears being me, Todd, and D and the bad wolf being? No, can't think of a bad wolf. It was a great day. I'm thankful for positive friends to run with.
Distance: 7 miles
Tempo avg: 7:55
Tempo HR avg: 160
Long Run: 11/19 Goal 17 miles @ 9:08. I gave myself a good pep up talk going into this long run. I've had a solid week so far and this would just be icing on the cake to complete this distance. I got her done with the help of Amber and hubby Eugene, and my friend Danette. We ran loops thru Central on a flat to slightly rolling course. I felt great UNTIL about mile 13 or so and then I really started to feel all my weaknesses, namely the core group of muscles. My low back and hip flexors are weak! But, good to know so i can increase my ab workout from doing 5 sit-ups a day to a solid 10 a day....this should help, right? My fatigue was not cardio related, although I still do not have a running base, but more so muscle fatigue. And, dang, my feet hurt at the end. I attempted to run on every sprig of grass I could find, even if my big toe landed on the edge of what looked like grass or something soft, I was in thankfulness of heart. I would have been glad to run thru dog doody at that point, as long as it was soft. Enough whining, Happy Cow chocolate milk and recoverite cure everything along with a good nap. SO LONG for now, my bed is calling :)
Distance: 17 miles
Avg. pace: 8:45
Avg. HR 153
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