Ok, maybe I learned a lesson on Sunday evening.....don't run with a full belly of savory pecan pie inside ya. :) Todd and Tonya's baby shower featured an array of wine, cheeses, and homemade desserts. D and I decided we would do a short run after the party, including a few first time sprints. I was excited about doing a couple of sprints....but, eke, i ate too much of that darn pie. Mile warm-up out of downtown Clemson to Bowman field. 4 sprints completed, YES! I haven't been able to run like that in months and months, if not a year. If I wanted, I could have joined in a game of ultimate with the college kids. I would have been just happen running up and down the field with them, not caring if they passed the frisbee to me or not. Maybe I would have preferred if they hadn't passed it to me so I could just enjoy my running. I would have been ABLE to do it (RUN!)!, not having to worry whether i could sprint on an achilles or not. Just to have the choice is a blessing. Sure, a pecan pie can make your sugar high, but I'm not going to lie, I was flying on an extreme blessed endorphine high.
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