Monday, December 6, 2010



Week 6 is officially here. I was suppose to run sprints today, but i've got the dreaded "I" word. I'm hoping that if I don't acknowledge it, it won't exist and will eventually become a figment in my imagination. The top of my foot hurt immediately after running Saturday's 5k. Ironically, it did not hurt during the race at all, but as soon as I stopped and jogged back out on the course to finish the last 1/2 mile with my mom, I immediately felt it. It was jarring and created an awkward limp with each step. I tried to "walk it off" with no such luck. I tried to walk thru it pretending it wasn't there. I tried, I really did. With four days of work ahead, I was dreading having to walk on the cold, long hallways at the healthcare center. Usually, I have a lot of pep in my step and am noted to walk with a bounce, but not Saturday, or Sunday, or today, Monday. I was dreading writing this blog because I'm validating that my foot hurts and I don't want to acknowledge it. The good news is, is that it has improved each day. I'm a competitor by my very nature, pushing limits. So, I will stay optimistic, my goal is is still March 5th, to get there healthy, that, after all, is my first goal.

12/6 Lap Swim. Yes, I SWAM, or SWIM like a fish out of water. I say I don't enjoy doning my swimming gear and getting into the pool of chlorine, but it is such a freeing movement and I feel rejuvinated when I'm done. I had fun, practicing swimming in draft with two of my friends and slapping each other's feet and swimming closely side by side. One of them is secretely preparing me for my first triathlon next year and is helping me gain confidence in the ability to swim in close proximity of others during a tri. Good board kick work at the end. I feel good and am thankful to have such wonderful friends.

Distance: 1 mile
12/8 Back in the pool! Right foot has improved, but is still not runnable due to pain located at the top of the foot. I knew that this would be my battle. No, the battle would not be in my head, or in my heart (cardio), it would be a test of time, to see whether my body could weather the storm and structurely stay strong for the duration of training leading up to the marathon. I'm glad I made it to week 6! To the pool I go until the foot pain eases! I also stopped by Go Tri Sports for some shoe analysis and foot talk. I will be determining if it was a shoe problem, or the criss crossing of laces during the 5k, or the hilly event itself, OR whether i just got me another dag gum stress fx. Phooey on that I say! I must stay optimistic. I did some good pool training today, doing some tempo to sprint interval work.
Distance: 1.25 miles

12/10 I'm officially water logged :) Making the best of the situation as I recover with my right foot. The top of the foot is still not allowing me to run. Swimming will have to suffice for now. The only problem in the pool is when I push off the wall between laps with my right foot, otherwise, enjoying the low impact. Doing more tempo and more distance as I try to keep my cardio up. Lots of board kicks using the hip flexors, keeping my core tight. Hoping to be running again next week? Will have to be smart! :) Quick bike spin in the afternoon, foot ok. not so hot when standing out of saddle.

Distance: 1.45 miles

12/11 300 yard warm-up, 1 mile swim constant, 10 board kicks finale! The mile swim continuous is a great workout and really taxes my cardio. I've been working a lot on swimming technique, specifically, breathing on both sides for balance, quick arm turn over, and pacing. Just call me Michael Phelps, or not.

Distance: 1.5 miles

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