Thursday, September 30, 2010


4:30pm at Clemson Track. Decision time. Danette and I decided to run 4 miles at 10pace. Decision: Run off track, across both dikes. How did I feel? I felt awesome, high on the best kind of drugs, the endorphine high. I couldn't control myself. I was free. Endorphine highs cover up all sorts of aches and pains you may have. You are lost in a dream world, time does not exist. I visualized running the marathon and what it would feel like to cross the finish line, healthy, standing tall, in one piece on March 5th. What would it feel like? I would be grateful, kiss the ground. Danette and I ran the last bit on the track. She pushed thru being tired from a very stressful week. She got in the zone at the end. We were running side by side encouraging each other. Our weaknesses were masked by our camaraderie. We were being cheered on by the loudest fans possible, yelling and clapping. Seriously, the Clemson football team was preparing for the Miami game on Saturday next to the track. Loud speakers were blaring "fan backdrop noise" so that the football players could mimic what the arena would sound like on game day with 80,000 roaring fans. At the same time, unbeknowest to anyone else on Earth, the fan noise was actually for me. Cheering me on each step of the way. I crossed the track finish/start line victorious. New plan. Weird Achilles run thru, pain stop. I'm thankful.

Distance: 4.5 miles
Avg. pace: 8:53

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